Home John Gigs Shop Ramblings


John Shillito / Riviera Ramblers



Saturday August 3rd we visit the historic Drewe Arms in Drewsteignton EX6 6QN, (01647 281377).   It's a charming hostelry, owned and run by enterprising members of the local community - and a fine job they are making of it too.   This particular weekend they are running a BEER FESTIVAL, so it will be rather special and, hopefully, busy.   We'll be providing music from 1.00 - 4.00 pm on Saturday; outdoors if the weather is good, but indoors if not.

June 29th 2024  

We've got some Friday evening sessions booked to play in the garden at the rear of the BELL INN, BOVEY TRACEY, one each month in July, August and September.   (See the gigs page).   We did several in 2023 and they were most enjoyable events.   They start at 6.30 pm, BUT, BECAUSE THEY ARE OUT OF DOORS, WE ARE AT THE MERCY OF THE WEATHER, SO PLEASE CHECK WITH THE PUB IF IN DOUBT - 01626 833495.


JUNE 29th 2024

Sadly our weekly sessions at the CROWN & SCEPTRE will come to an end on MONDAY JULY 22nd.   The current leaseholders of the pub are not renewing their lease.   The manager's (Colin) contract comes to an end and he will be moving to Spain.  Colin was instrumental in keeping live jazz in the pub when the Pub co. went on a cost-cutting exercise.   We would like to say a big "THANK YOU" to him an to all of you whose regular attendance and generous contributions to the band's "PENSION POT" have helped to keep Mondays happy and swinging evenings for so many years.   Thanks also to the wonderful guest musicians - BOB MARTIN, CHARLIE HEARNSHAW, NICK WHITE, DAVE MARTIN, ISAAC GOSSAGE, JEREMY HUGGET and others, who have added so much for so little in recent times.  IT'S BEEN A GREAT PLEASURE TO SHARE OUR MUSIC AND YOUR FRIENDSHIP.


Feb 28th 2024

Happy news!   We're back playing regularly at the Sportsman's Arms, Blackawton at 7.00 pm on the 3rd Wednsday of each month (except July and August).   We look forward to seeing lots of old friends - and lots of new ones, too!   Please spread the word!


Feb 28th 2024

Sad news!   We learned yesterday that Arthur Holmes, long time follower of the band, and of jazz in the Torbay area, passed away earlier this month.   Arthur and his wife Hazel were always great company.   Friends may like to know that his funeral will be at Torquay Crematorium on Wednesday March 13th at 12.30 pm.   RIP Arthur, many thanks for your support and advice!   We're already missing you.


Feb 1st 2024


Pete has been the most excellent, regular, double bass player in Shillito bands for many years now and frequent followers will have noticed that he's not been around since the middle of January.   Well, the bad news is that Pete's been experiencing some health issues for a while.   You will have noticed that he switched from his large, 5 string, double bass to his Yamaha upright electric bass during the latter months of 2023 in order to reduce the physical load that bass players inevitably experience.   Sadly, following further problems around New Year, he's been advised by his doctor to take an indefinite period off from playing whilst medical investigations are pursued.......

I know that you will wish him well, and, like me and the other Ramblers, look forward to his early return as the stalwart pulse of the band.   Meanwhile we've been looking for replacement double bass players, and we've found a couple of good ones.   ISAAC GOSSAGE has depped for Pete on previous occasions when he's been on holiday, etc, and it's been great to welcome him back again on some recent gigs.   However, Isaac comes all the way up from Polperro, so he can't play all our gigs.   Luckily, the much more local, JOE GASS, (Ashburton) was recommended by mutual friends, and he's come in to fill the double bass corner on recent gigs and immediately fits like a glove!   He's another fine player, and, like Isaac, is also a really nice guy, too.

Jan 25th 2024


Please note that, following a disagreement with the new management, over the changed location of our performances, the Riviera Ramblers will no longer be holding  sessions at BISHOPSTEIGNTON, OLD COMMERCIAL INN.   We thank (previous licensee) Mike, and all the many friends who have supported us in the bar room for the last few years, for being such great, fun, company .  We will miss you - or, maybe you'll come along and join us at another venue.   We hope so.


Our aim and motto: jazz things up a bit! and we always do!


More info? Make a booking?

email enquiries@johnshillito.co.uk 

phone 01803 459173 or  07977577321

JOHN SHILLITO trumpet and bands for any occasion.     Serious jazz with a smile on its face!

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